Thursday, March 24, 2011

Hello, Nice to Meet You!

So I figured if I was going to be sharing information about our lives and our learning journey we should introduce ourselves! I am starting my home schooling journey while my kiddos are very young. My children are young enough that they have never been to school so as of now they will have no comparison. Of course I am sure the day will come that they will want to be "normal" and attend a public school and when that day comes I will be happy to discuss with them the pros and cons and let THEM decide. After all, it is their education and their life and although I feel like home schooling is the best option they have their agency and I feel allowing them to aid in decision making is a BIG life skill to learn. So here is a little bit about each member of our family:

Jessica Fuller (aka- me!) I am a 29 yr old stay at home mommy of 2. I work part time running my own business ( ) mostly from home. My interests include singing, dancing, cooking, scrap-booking, and of course, DOGS! Yeah, it is a slight obsession of mine that I am sure you will be lucky enough to hear a lot about. Most of all I enjoy spending time with my family and watching us all grow in our journey to forever.

Scott Fuller - My super awesome husband (he would have to be to put up with some of my shenanigans!) a 30 yr old computer animator and #1 Daddy. Scott hopes to one day be a lead animator for Disney and loves anything artistic, musical, whimsical, and oh yeah, has an obsession with anything having to do with the 80's and his lost youth. Toys, games, t-shirts, movies, you name it, I am sure he has at least one in his collection!

Erin Amelia Fuller - Our oldest daughter Erin is 3 and loves just about everything. Except maybe nap time. She loves to play and learn like most 3 year olds and never wants to have down time. She says she loves to sing and dance, help mommy cook stuff, ride the rides at Sea World, and give family hugs. Haha priceless.

Elleri Anise Fuller - Elleri is currently the baby of the family at 8 months old. She likes to crawl and get into everything, have cuddles with her family, but most of all, she loves to smile and laugh! She is always smiling.

Lucky - the family dog!  lucky is a 4yr old golden retriever mix who we rescued as a puppy. She celebrates her birthday every year on St Patty's Day (this was this year's party). She is a calm, well tempered pup who makes us all very happy with her silly ways.

As you can probably tell from the pictures we are a pretty fun and out going group! Obviously, as I said, my children are pretty young so our lessons will be geared towards a younger age. Erin has already mastered most of Pre-K level requirements so we are starting our home schooling journey with Kindergarten skills. Elleri is just a wee lass so most of her lessons will be centered around learning basic motor and language skills. I will post pictures from our days and also links from where I may get my ideas. I will be doing A LOT of research along the way! Hope you all continue to check in with us and I look forward to your comments and suggestions!

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